Bobby Gronert
Case Morton-Lill
Tristan Englemann
Avery Kahar
Zephyr Heggeland
Mo Cronesgrove
Annalise Hetland
Videh Binjrajka
Gabo Ochoa Samoff
Haven Kvello
Emerson Shaw
Addison Wolf
Bobby Gronert
My name is Bobby, and I'm a freshman studying Political Science. On the Shorewood Board of Education, as a high schooler, I fought against attempts to block raises promised to faculty unions, and didn't shy away from conflict just because I was a student. I aim to bring that same energy to the ASM, ensuring no student's money goes to genocide, fighting against federal attacks on our institution and our peers, and in the spirit of our state's motto, always moving “Forward.”
Case-Morton Lill
My name is Case, I’m from Pumpkintown, and I’m a junior studying math and computer science. I’m running for ASM because I want to see a change in how this university is run. It should be for the students, by the students, but lately, we’re seeing the issues we care about take a backseat to the university’s investment portfolio. As an ASM council member, I will fight to make our voices heard and won’t stop until our tuition dollars are no longer sent to weapons manufacturers abroad, and instead used to fund programs for students, especially UHS. We must do everything we can to combat the national spread of fascism, and that starts with protecting our fellow trans, employed, and international students and holding our university accountable for its dubious practices. Divest from tyranny, invest in students!
Tristan Englemann
My name is Tristan, and I’m studying Nuclear Engineering. I am running for ASM as I believe that through it we can work to protect students rights in healthcare, finances, and labor in the face of a government that is increasingly hostile to much of our student body. Having members that are willing to fight for these rights, rather than being beholden to whims of the board of regents, is vital towards making real change for the students of UW-Madison.
Avery Kahar
In the trying times of the Trump Administration, I think it’s more important than ever to fight for what I believe is right. Running for ASM means so much more to me than just reallocating money. It represents one of many battles in a war each of us fight every day. A war against fascism which, if left unchecked, will destroy the world.
Zephyr Heggeland
As an elected member of ASM, I’m going to demand university noncompliance with Trump administration memos—no rollback on diversity and equity initiatives, no firing staff of color or marginalized identity, no cuts to UHS funding for trans and queer students, no breaks in accessibility for abortion & reproductive care. The administration must resist radical right-wing pressure from the federal and state government to turn the clock backwards on our rights. After all, the state motto is “Forward…” On, Wisconsin, and YDSA for ASM!
Mo Cronesgrove
Vulnerable communities are being made more and more vulnerable by Trump-lead measures to roll back services that many students rely on. YDSA is looking to not only protect students rights to healthcare, funding and inclusion, but to EXPAND the ability for students and workers to have a say in their environment. We have a unique opportunity here to work from the inside and outside to enact change for the better.
Annalise Hetland
As anti-DEI sentiment in our government grows rampant I am dedicated to making UW a more inclusive and safe space for all people, especially those with disabilities like me. I have always been outspoken about disability rights and I make it my goal to stand against ableism in all its forms. I am running for ASM to ensure that disabled voices like mine are heard and our rights are never overlooked. I also plan to make accommodations and the campus more accessible.
Videh Binjrajka
My name is Videh [vəˈdeɪ], and I’m studying computer science and math. As an elected member of ASM, I’m demanding that our university stand firm against the harmful policies of the Trump administration. We cannot allow any rollback of crucial diversity and equity initiatives, nor can we tolerate the firing of staff from marginalized communities, including people of color and queer individuals. We must protect funding for University Health Services that supports trans and queer students, ensuring access to comprehensive reproductive and healthcare services. The administration must resist right-wing pressures from both federal and state governments that seek to undermine our rights, particularly the rights of queer students and staff, and prevent any reversal of the progress we’ve made.
Gabo Ochoa Samoff
I am running for ASM to protect the amazing community of this university. I am running to protect healthcare for all students, to protect the free speech on campus from increasing restrictions, and to protect our communities from the ever-more exploitative state of our economy. I will direct UHS to increase and protect funding for gender-affirming and reproductive healthcare, push for better pay and hours for student workers from the bottom up, and fight to prevent tuition increases to keep this university accessible to all people. Furthermore, our tuition dollars should be ours to control, and they should never fund weapons manufacturing or the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Every student deserves a welcoming, affordable, and democratic college experience, whether they be a native Madisonian or an international student from halfway across the globe.
Haven Kvello
As an elected member of the ASM I am going to demand that the University divest from all companies that support the manufacturing of weapons, warcrimes, or genocide. We the students of Madison deserve to know how our tuition is being spent. Furthermore, I will demand complete noncompliance with trump. No rollback on DEI, no cuts of UHS funding for queer and trans students or breaks in abortion accessibility, and no firing staff of color or staff of other marginalized identities. We must move forward into a more equitable future for students! On Wisconsin!
Emerson Shaw
My goal in ASM is to improve the lives of UW Madison students, faculty, and workers as much as possible, not just from within ASM, but with direct action as well. I hope to use ASM to improve the conditions of campus workers and protect their right to organize themselves. Additionally, we should work to have more gender neutral bathrooms on campus. I support divestment from exploitative companies and apartheid governments to refocus that money for supporting students with programs such as UHS and free transportation.
Addison Wolf
What I will fight for on ASM can be summed up in 3 words: divestment, non-compliance, and expansion. I will fight for divestment of all university assets from the military industrial complex. Not another cent to bombs and genocide. I will fight for non-compliance in regards to any and all policies of the Trump administration that would see any member of our campus community harmed. No cuts to UHS, no expulsion or deportation of students for protesting, no purges of the staff. Finally, I will fight for expansion, expansion of UHS funding, expansion of the rights of student workers, and expansion of initiatives meant to protect vulnerable communities on our campus. Forward! Divest from Tyranny, Invest in Students.